New Apps in My Phone

by - 19:03

In this week, I had installed three applications on my phone. I am very glad to share with you guys. I think these three applications very useful to use.
1. Timetable

In this app, you may put your study timetable for the student. Other than that, you also can write your task, examination date and holidays date. You can see your timetable in week view or day view.

this is view in week view

in this application

For me, it's really suitable for all people either as student or workers. It really useful and good for us. We also can set the reminder to remind us what subject in that day and our task. 

2. Al Quran Melayu

This application is special for you to read Al-Quran. You also may hear the sound of people read al-Quran. The special in this app is you may bookmark which part is the last sentence you read. You also can look the surah in surah view or juz view. Besides, you also can know the time of prayer time in your place. Just set the location.

3. Night Mode

I really love this app. This app is used for you to decrease your phone brightness. It can decrease your phone battery uses. After I use this app it's really can save my phone battery. 

So this is just some short sharing from me. Have fun!!! 

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  1. Timetable menarik untuk student. Senang nak track segala exam dan dateline kan =)

  2. I must give that Night Mode a try because even if my brightness is at 0% at night, I still think it's too bright for me lolll

    Lenne Zulkiflly Blog

  3. I don't have the timetable apps. I just screenshot the timetable and make it as my wallpaper hahaha (

  4. i should install timetable too . thanks for sharing :)

  5. Waaa.. baru tahu ada apps timetable tu.. hehe

    1. saya pun haritu saje je try search sbb tgk kwn2 ramai buat mcm tu

  6. that timetable apps nampak menarik.

    1. menarik kan. tp kalau nak jadual tu guna wallpaper kita sendiri boleh try apps class up
